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  1. (东北农业大学农学院, 哈尔滨 150030)
  • 出版日期:2019-02-10 发布日期:2019-02-10

Effects of nitrogen fertilization and chemical control on stalk traits and yield of spring maize under super high planting density in Heilongjiang Province.

LIU Xiao-ming, GU Wan-rong*, LI Cai-feng*, TONG tong, WANG Bin, LV Ying-jie, ZHAO Meng, LIU Zhao-yue   

  1. (College of Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China).
  • Online:2019-02-10 Published:2019-02-10

摘要: 以玉米品种“龙育365”为材料,设置大田高密度种植90000株·hm-2,研究了化控剂玉黄金(30%胺鲜酯·乙利水剂)和3个不同氮肥水平(100、200和300 kg·hm-2,代码分别为N100、N200、N300)对春玉米干物质积累、茎秆力学特征以及产量的影响。结果表明:高密度种植下化控能够增加玉米穗粒数和千粒重,降低穗部秃尖长,减小各生育期叶面积,增加花后干物质积累量和花后干物质贡献率,分别比对照增加7.9%和3.2%;化控能增加基部节间抗折断力、穿刺强度和最小直径,显著降低基部节间长,增加抗倒伏能力,提高产量8.7%;玉米产量、穗粒数和叶面积均在N200处理下最高,秃尖长减小,N200处理花后干物质积累量和花后干物质贡献率增加,分别比N100和N300处理增加24.5%和9%;随氮肥水平的提高,茎秆抗折断力和穿刺强度显著降低,最大、小直径先增加后降低,基部节间长显著增加。相关分析表明:玉米产量与花后干物质贡献率(r=0.489*)、乳熟期叶面积(r=0.819*)呈显著正相关;玉米基部节间最大直径(r=0.517*)、基部节间长(r=0.505*)与花后干物质呈显著正相关;茎秆抗折断力与基部节间长(r=-0.84**)呈显著负相关,与基部节间最大直径(r=0.495*)呈显著正相关;穿刺强度与基部节间长度(r=-0.724**)呈显著负相关。本实验认为,200 kg·hm-2氮肥与化控结合在黑龙江90000株·hm-2种植密度下春玉米抗倒性最佳,且玉米产量最高,研究结果为黑龙江春玉米高密度种植下的化控防倒减氮增产技术提供了依据。

关键词: 中华蜜蜂, 蜂王, 雄蜂, 交配行为, 产卵行为

Abstract: We examined the effects of plant growth regulator ‘Yuhuangjin’ (30% amine fresh ester·ethyl hydroxide) and three nitrogen application rates (100, 200 and 300 kg·hm-2 , designated as N100, N200 and N300, respectively) on dry matter accumulation, stem mechanical characteristics and yield of spring maize (variety ‘Longyu 365’) under high planting density (90000 plants·hm-2). The results showed that chemical control increased grain number per ear and 1000-grain weight, and reduced the length of  ear bald tip and leaf area at each growth stage. Meanwhile, chemical control increased the amount of dry matter per plant and contribution proportion of the dry matter after anthesis by 7.9% and 3.2% respectively, compared with the control. The chemical control increased breaking resistance, stalk rind penetration strength and minimum diameter of basal internode as well as significantly reduced the internode length, and thus increased lodging resistance and increased yield by 8.7%. The yield, grain number per ear and leaf area of maize attained the maximum value under N200 treatment and the length of  ear bald tip was reduced. The amount of dry matter per plant and contribution proportion of the dry matter after anthesis under N200 treatment increased by 24.5% and 9% respectively, compared with those of N100 and N300 treatments. With increasing nitrogen application rate, breaking resistance and stalk rind penetration strength of basal internode reduced significantly, the maximum and minimum diameters first increased and then decreased, and the basal internode length significantly increased. The maize yield was significantly positively correlated with contribution proportion of the dry matter after anthesis (r=0.489*) and leaf area of milking (r=0.819*), and the maximum diameter (r=0.517*) and the basal internode length (r=0.505*) were significantly positively correlated with the dry matter after anthesis. The stalk breaking resistance was significantly negatively correlated with the basal internode length (r=-0.84**) and was significantly positively correlated with the maximum diameter of basal internode (r=0.495*). The stalk rind penetration strength of basal internode was significantly negatively correlated with basal internode length (r=-0.724**).  Our results indicated that the combination of 200 kg·hm-2 nitrogen application rate and chemical control provided the best lodging resistance and obtained the highest yield for spring maize under 90000 plants·hm-2 in Heilongjiang Province.  Our results provided basis for the technology of chemical control to prevent lodging, reduce nitrogen application rate and increase yield under high planting density of spring maize in Heilongjiang Province.

Key words: Apis cerana cerana Fab., Honeybee queen, Drone, Copulation, Oviposition