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  1. (1江西农业大学双季稻现代化生产协同创新中心/作物生理生态与遗传育种教育部重点实验室/江西省作物生理生态与遗传育种重点实验室, 南昌 330045;2江西省农业气象中心, 南昌 330045;3江西省红壤研究所, 南昌 331717)
  • 出版日期:2018-10-10 发布日期:2018-10-10

Effects of nitrogen application rate and seedlings per hole on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of double-season early hybrid rice.

DUAN Li-cheng1,2, LV Wei-sheng1,3, FANG Jia-hai1, ZENG Yong-jun1, SHI Qing-hua1, PAN Xiao-hua1, CAI Hai-sheng1, WU Zi-ming1*   

  1. (1Collaborative Innovation Center for the Modernization Production of Double Cropping Rice/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education/Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China; 2Jiangxi Agricultural Meteorological Center, Nanchang 330045, China; 3Jiangxi Institute of Red Soil, Nanchang 331717, China).
  • Online:2018-10-10 Published:2018-10-10

摘要: 研究施氮量和每穴栽插苗数对双季杂交早稻产量、产量构成及氮肥吸收利用率的影响,可为双季杂交早稻的高产高效栽培提供理论基础。采用完全随机区组试验设计,设5个施氮水平(0、120、150、180和210 kg·hm-2,以N0、N1、N2、N3和N4表示)和3种每穴栽插苗数(2、3和4根苗每穴,以M1、M2和M3表示),在成熟期对干物质、叶面积指数和产量及产量构成进行测定,并分析氮肥吸收利用等指标。结果表明:施氮量和每穴栽插苗数对双季早稻产量具有显著影响;产量各因子相关性分析表明,有效穗数、每穗粒数与产量呈显著正相关,结实率和千粒重与产量呈显著负相关;随着施氮量的增加,水稻氮素积累总量增加,而氮肥农学利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥生理利用率和氮肥收获指数降低,氮肥吸收利用率和产量则呈先上升后下降的趋势;增加每穴栽插苗数,氮肥农学利用率呈下降趋势,适量增苗能增加总生物量和产量可提高氮肥利用率;与其他处理相比,施氮量为180 kg·hm-2和每穴栽插3~4根苗的组合产量均较高,同时可获得较高的氮肥吸收利用率。适宜的施氮量和每穴栽插苗数组合可显著增加有效穗数、产量和氮积累量,建议双季杂交早稻栽培中采用施氮量为180 kg·hm-2、每穴栽插苗数为3~4根苗的组合。

关键词: 根际效应, 增温, 多酚氧化酶, 高寒灌丛, 过氧化氢酶

Abstract: To provide theoretical basis for high yield and benefit of doubleseason early hybrid rice, we examined the effects of nitrogen (N) application rate and the number of transplanting seedlings per hole on the yield, yield components, and nitrogen use efficiency of doubleseason early hybrid rice. The experiment used a completely randomized block design, including five N application levels (0, 120, 150, 180 and 210 kg·hm-2, expressed as N0, N1, N2, N3 and N4 respectively) and three levels of seedlings per hole (2, 3 and 4 seedlings per hole, expressed as M1, M2 and M3 respectively). We investigated the dry matter, leaf area index, grain yield and its components, N uptake, N use efficiency in the mature period of rice. The results showed that both N application rate and seedlings per hole had significant effects on doubleseason early rice yield. Rice yield had a significantly positive correlation with panicle number and grain number per spike, and a significantly negative correlation with seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. With the increases of N application rate, total N accumulation in rice increased, but the N agronomic efficiency, N partial factor productivity, N internal efficiency and N harvest index decreased. The absorption and utilization efficiency of N fertilizer and yield increased at first and decreased later with the increases of N application rate. With the increases of seedlings per hole, the agronomic efficiency of N decreased. A proper amount of seedlings could increase the total dry matter and yield to improve the N use efficiency. Compared with other treatments, the combination of 180 kg·hm-2 of N application rate and 3-4 seedlings of per hole could get higher yield and N use efficiency. Suitable amount of N application and seedlings per hole could produce a significant increase in effective panicle number, yield and total N accumulation. Nitrogen fertilization rate was recommended as 180 kg·hm-2 for the early rice with the transplanting density of 3-4 seedlings per hole.

Key words: rhizosphere effect, warming, polyphenoloxidase, alpine scrub, catalase