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  1. 1中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐 830011; 2 中国科学院阜康荒漠生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 新疆阜康 831505; 3中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)〖HT5SS〗
  • 出版日期:2016-10-10 发布日期:2016-10-10

Effects of tillage on inorganic carbon in upper soil profiles in arid zone.

NIU Zi-ru1,2,3, WANG Yu-gang1,2*, DENG Cai-yun1,2,3, LI Yan1,2#br#   

  1. (1State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China; 2Fukang Station of Desert of Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fukang 831505, Xinjiang, China; 3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China).
  • Online:2016-10-10 Published:2016-10-10

摘要: 为阐明干旱区耕作对0~50 cm表层土壤无机碳的影响,以新疆三工河流域不同开垦年限(未开垦荒地、5年、20年、50年和100年)土地为研究对象,对比分析了0~20和20~50 cm土层土壤无机碳在不同生长季和耕作年限下的聚积与分布特征。结果表明:生长季节内,不同耕作年限土壤无机碳含量具有相似的规律,趋于先增加后减小,6月值最大;各土层内,老绿洲原生荒地的土壤无机碳含量聚积加强,而灌溉土地则减少,同时,新绿洲原生荒地和灌溉土地土壤无机碳聚积作用趋势相反,即表层0~20 cm原生荒地土壤无机碳聚积,下层20~50 cm减少,而灌溉土地则表层减少、下层聚积;开垦5年后,土壤pH值显著降低(P<0.05);随着开垦年限的增加,土壤无机碳含量和储量均先增加后减少,开垦20年土壤无机碳含量最高,是开垦100年的1.8倍,并且其储量达66.80 kg·m-2。总体来看,耕作20年后,表层0~50 cm土层土壤无机碳含量和储量均开始减少。

关键词: 光合产物分配, 生物量, 模型, 玉米

Abstract: In order to understand the effects of land reclamation on soil inorganic carbon in 0-50 cm soil layer in arid zone, an investigation was carried out at a typical inland river basin namely the Sangong River watershed in Xinjiang, northwest China. The soil inorganic carbon content and storage in 0-20 cm and 20-50 cm soil layers were determined in crop growth season (from May to October) under different reclamation durations \[0 (non-reclaimed land), 5, 20, 50 and 100 years\]. The results showed that there was a similar change trend in soil inorganic carbon content for all reclamation durations, which was increased before June, and then followed by a decrease during crop growth season. For different soil layers, accumulation of soil inorganic carbon in the old oasis region was higher in non-reclaimed land than that in reclaimed land, but it showed an opposite trend for soil inorganic carbon accumulation in the new oasis region, with an increased carbon accumulation in 0-20 cm soil layer of nonreclaimed land and in 20-50 cm soil layer of reclaimed land, and a decreased inorganic accumulation in 20-50 cm soil layer of non-reclaimed land and 0-20 cm soil layer of reclaimed land. pH value decreased with the increase of reclamation duration after 5 years (P<0.05). The soil inorganic carbon content and storage increased from early reclamation before 20 years, and then decreased, being 1.8 times in 20 years as that in 100 years with soil inorganic carbon storage of 66.80 kg·m-2 in 0-50 cm soil layers. In conclusion, soil inorganic carbon content and storage in the 0-50 cm soil layers began to decrease 20 years after reclamation.

Key words: maize, biomass, photosynthate allocation, model.