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生态学杂志 ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (04): 752-762.

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1宁波市微生物与环境工程重点实验室, 浙江宁波 315100|2浙江万里学院生物与环境学院, 浙江宁波 315100|3宁波市象山港海洋环境监测站, 浙江宁波 315141
  • 出版日期:2011-04-08 发布日期:2011-04-08

Spatiotemporal distribution of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria with related to environmental factors in Xiangshan Bay.

WANG Hai-li1,2, YANG Ji-fang1,2**, SHI Gang-de3, Chen Ji-gang1,2, FENG Hui-qiang3   

  1. 1Municipal Key Laboratory of Microorganism and Environmental Engineering, Ningbo 315100, Zhejiang, China|2College of Biological &Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo 315100, Zhejiang, China|3Marine Environment Monitoring Station of Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo 315141, Zhejiang, China
  • Online:2011-04-08 Published:2011-04-08

摘要: 分别于2007年的7月(夏季)、11月(秋季)与2008年的1月(冬季)、4月(春季)采用高保真、无扰动重力柱状取样器替代常规抓斗式采样,研究了象山港海域表层海水、上覆水及沉积物中N素转化细菌(硝化细菌与反硝化细菌)丰度的时空分布特征,并采用主成分分析及多元逐步回归分析方法研究了影响该海域N素转化细菌时空分布的主要因素。调查期间,象山港海域水样和沉积物样品中N素转化细菌数量的变化范围分别为30×104~2.4×104cells·ml-1和30×104~2.4×104 cells·g-1。表层海水、上覆水和沉积物中的硝化细菌数量均值分别2.24×103 cells·ml-1、3.61×103 cells·ml-1和6.45×103 cells·g-1,表层海水、上覆水和沉积物中的反硝化细菌数量均值分别为4.84×103 cells·ml-1、5.31×103 cells·ml-1和3.12×103 cells·g-1。表层海水和上覆水硝化细菌数量均值冬季明显高于其他季节,而沉积物中硝化细菌数量均值为秋季、冬季高于其他季节;冬季、春季的反硝化细菌数量高于秋季、夏季。调查期间,象山港海域的硝化细菌及反硝化细菌的空间分布特征明显:垂直分布特征,反硝化细菌表现为表层海水高于上覆水及沉积物,而硝化细菌则表现为沉积物及上覆水高于表层海水;平面分布特征,象山港中部及支港与主港交汇处的站点N素转化细菌数量较高,近岸工农业活动造成的陆源污染及海水增养殖活动造成的养殖污染是造成此空间分布特征的主要原因。多元统计分析表明,N、P营养盐、DO、水温、盐度、有机质污染及初级生产力等是影响象山港海域N素转化细菌分布的主要因素。

关键词: 有机污染物, 植物吸收, 生态毒理, 植物修复

Abstract: In July (summer) and October (autumn) 2007 and in January (winter) and April (spring) 2008, an investigation was made on the spatiotemporal distribution of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in the surface seawater, overlying water, and sediment in Xiangshan Bay. A cylindrical high-fidelity gravity sampler instead of conventional grab sampler was used for collecting samples, and principal component analysis and multivariate linear stepwise regression analysis were adopted to analyze the relationships between bacterial abundance and environmental parameters. The abundance of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in the water and sediment in July and October 2007 and in January and April 2008 ranged from 30×104-2.4×104 cells·ml-1 and 30×104-2.4×104 cells·g-1, with the mean values in surface water, overlying water, and sediment being 2.24×103 cells·ml-1, 3.61×103 cells·ml-1, and 6.45×103 cells·g-1, respectively for nitrifying bacteria, and 4.84×103 cells·ml-1, 5.31×103 cells·ml-1, and 3.12×103 cells·g-1, respectively for denitrifying bacteria. The abundance of nitrifying bacteria in surface seawater and overlying water was significantly higher in winter, compared to other three seasons, and that in sediment was higher in autumn and winter, compared to the other two seasons. For denitrifying bacteria, its abundance was higher in autumn and summer than in spring and winter. In investigation period, there was an apparent spatial distribution of nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial abundance in the Bay. Vertically, the abundance of denitrifying bacteria was higher in surface water than in overlying water and sediment, but that of nitrifying bacteria was in adverse; horizontally, the abundance of both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria was significantly higher in the middle part of the Bay and in the junction of branch and main ports. Such a spatial distribution pattern of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in the Bay demonstrated that the coastal land pollution from human industrial and agricultural activities and mariculture played key roles. Multivariate statistical analysis demonstrated that nutrients N and P, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, salinity, organic pollution, and primary productivity were the main factors affecting the spatiotemporal distribution of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in Xiangshan Bay.

Key words: Organic contaminants, Plant uptake, Ecotoxicology, Phytoremediation