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生态学杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 3252-3258.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202109.015

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇

北京周边山区狍(Capreolus pygargus)的夏季偏好生境特


  1. (1中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872; 2浙江农林大学动物科技学院, 杭州 311300;3山西文峪河国家湿地公园, 山西交城 030500)
  • 出版日期:2021-10-10 发布日期:2022-04-01

Summer habitat preference of roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) in mountainous areas around Beijing.

XIANG Rong-wei1, DA Zhen1, WU Jia-yi1, BU Xiang-li1, WANG Jing1, LU Qing-bin2, HAO Ying-hong3, SHENG Yan1, MENG Xiu-xiang1*   

  1. (1School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2College of Animal Science and Technology, Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University, Hangzhou 311300, China; 3Wenyuhe National Wetland Reserve, Jiaocheng 030500, Shanxi, China).
  • Online:2021-10-10 Published:2022-04-01

摘要: 生境选择是野生动物适应环境的综合行为对策,受动物的生理生态特征及对食物、水源及隐蔽性等生态需求的影响,可综合反映环境干扰和环境胁迫的效应。为探究北京周边山区狍(Capreolus pygargus)夏季偏好生境的特征及栖息地利用格局,于2019年7月5日至8月15日及2020年7月15日至8月30日,在北京怀柔及河北怀来等区域共布设39个狍的夏季利用生境样地及136个对照非利用样地(20 m×20 m),对样地的海拔、植被类型和坡度等22个生境变量进行了测量。结果表明:与非利用生境样地相比,狍的夏季偏好生境的乔木胸径(29.24±3.27 cm)、灌木高(1.49±0.07 m)、倒木个数(3.72±0.89)及枯草盖度(36.75%±5.74%)均较大(P<0.05),偏好乔木密度(15.15±3.71株·400 m-2)较小的西坡和北坡(66.67%)平缓生境(92.3%)(P<0.05),并趋于选择隐蔽度较好(64.1%)、距离社区较远(51.28%)及干扰强度较弱(76.92%)的生境(P<0.05)。主成分分析和多重对应分析结果表明,乔木因子、食物因子、干扰因子、地形因子、隐蔽因子和水热因子是影响北京周边山区狍夏季生境选择的关键因素,综合反映了其夏季对食物、安全性和水源的生态需求。

关键词: 狍(Capreolus pygargus), 生境选择, 夏季, 北京周边山区

Abstract: Habitat selection is a comprehensive behavioral strategy for wild animals, which isaffected by the physiological-ecological characteristics of animals and their requirement for food, water and safety, and can comprehensively reflect the impacts of environmental disturbance and stress on their habitat utilization. To explore the summer habitat preference and the habitat utilization pattern of roe deer in mountainous areas surrounding Beijing, this study was conducted from July 5th to August 15th, 2019 and July 15th to August 30th, 2020. In the field survey, a total of 39 roe deer’s used habitat plots and 136 controlled non-used plots (20 m×20 m) were sampled in Huairou of Beijing, Huailai and other counties of Hebei. In total, 22 habitat variables were measured, including altitude, vegetation type and slope. The variables were compared between the used and nonused habitats and the characteristics of the preferred habitats in summer were analyzed. The results showed that the variables including diameter of trees at breast height (29.24±3.27 cm), average height of shrubs (1.49±0.07 m), the number of fallen trees (3.72±0.89), and the coverage of withered grass (36.75%±5.74%) in used summer habitats were significantly higher than those in the nonused habitats (P<0.05). Deer tended to select the habitats with lower arbor density (15.15±3.71 plants·plot-1), gentle slope (92.3%) located in west and north slopes (66.67%) (P<0.05). Moreover, roe deer preferred to use summer habitats with better concealment (64.1%), farther distance from the community (51.28%), and weaker disturbance intensity (76.92%) (P<0.05). The results of principal component analysis and multiple correspondence analysis showed that the planttype, food, disturbance, topography, concealment, and hydrothermal factors were the critical factors influencing roe deer’s summer habitat selection in the mountainous areas surrounding Beijing, which comprehensively reflects the ecologicaldemands of roe deer for food, safety and water in summer.

Key words: roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), habitat selection, summer, mountainous areas around Beijing.