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  1. (1内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院, 呼和浩特 010011;2内蒙古自治区土壤质量与养分资源重点实验室, 呼和浩特 010011;3内蒙古土壤肥料和节水农业工作站, 呼和浩特 010011)
  • 出版日期:2018-10-10 发布日期:2018-10-10

Effects of fertilization regimes on nitrogen leaching and maize yield in Hetao Irrigation Area.

CHANG Fei1, GAO Fan-shen3, HONG Mei1,2*, WU Yan1, LI Yan-qin1   

  1. (1College of Grassland, Resources and Environment, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010011, China; 2Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Soil Quality and Nutrient Resources, Hohhot 010011, China; 3Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Soil Fertilizer and Water Saving Agricultural Work Station, Hohhot 010011, China).
  • Online:2018-10-10 Published:2018-10-10

摘要: 为了解不同施肥措施对氮素淋溶风险的影响,为河套地区基础农田的化肥面源污染防治提供参考,本试验采用田间原位渗漏计法,对河套灌区盐化潮土玉米季连续2年氮素淋溶状况进行监测,研究5种不同施肥措施(不施肥(NF)、农民常规施肥(CK)、农民常规施肥+膨润土(B)、农民常规施肥+生物炭(C)、农民常规施肥+有机肥(F))对氮素淋溶及玉米产量的影响。结果表明:B、C处理下淋溶水总量均较低,比CK平均分别减少了16.4%、15.9%,F处理淋溶水量相对较高;在氮素养分淋溶损失中,硝态氮、铵态氮浓度均在第二次灌水后出现了峰值,B、C处理峰值较低,F处理稍高;除NF外,B处理的无机氮累积淋溶量最低,平均为65 kg·hm-2,比CK处理下降了41.3%;C、F处理依次为73.4kg·hm-2、96.4 kg·hm-2,分别比CK下降了33.7%、12.9%。淋溶水中全氮、可溶性总氮的淋溶量大小顺序均为NF < B < C < F < CK;B、C、F的表观淋溶率平均分别为15.3%、16.5%,18.5%,均低于CK处理的25.5%;F、B、C处理的玉米产量显著高于CK(P<0.05),其增产率依次为9.8%、8.4%、6.6%,且2年各处理表现出增产的趋势。考虑到F处理下氮素淋溶损失量较大,而膨润土、生物炭有效地抑制了氮素的淋溶损失,提高了氮肥利用率,在一定程度上减少了河套灌区化肥面源污染,故B处理推广施用的可行性较大,C处理次之。

关键词: 根际土壤, 径阶, 细根功能性状, 翅荚木人工林

Abstract: To understand the impacts of different fertilization regimes on the risk of nitrogen leaching and thus to provide scientific reference for the control of non-point source pollution of chemical fertilizers in basic croplands of Hetao, we monitored the nitrogen leaching of salinized fluvoaquic soil in the growing season of maize in Hetao Irrigation District for two consecutive years by in situ leakage meter method. There were five treatments, including no fertilization (NF), farmer conventional fertilization (CK), conventional fertilization by farmers + bentonite (B), conventional fertilization by farmers + biochar (C), and conventional fertilization by farmers + organic fertilizer (F). The results showed that the total amount of leaching water under treatments B and C decreased by 16.4% and 15.9%, respectively, compared to CK treatment. In contrast, the amount of leaching water was relatively higher under treatment F. For nitrogen leaching, nitrate and ammonium concentrations peaked after the second irrigation. The peak values of treatments B and C were relatively lower and that of treatment F was slightly higher. Except for the NF treatment, the treatment B was lowest in cumulative inorganic nitrogen loss with an average of 65 kg·hm-2, being 41.3% lower than that of CK. The amounts of nitrogen loss were 73.4 kg·hm-2 and 96.4 kg·hm-2 under treatments C and F, espectively, which decreased by 33.7% and 12.9%, respectively, compared to CK. Leaching volume of total nitrogen and total dissolved nitrogen in leaching water following the pattern: NF <B <C <F <CK. The apparent leaching rates of treatments B, C and F (averaged 15.3%, 16.5% and 18.5%, respectively) were lower than that under CK (25.5%). The yield of maize under treatments F, B and C increased by 9.8%, 8.4%, and 6.6%, respectively, compared to CK (P<0.05). All fertilization treatments enhanced maize production during the two years. The amount of nitrogen leaching loss was greater under treatment F. Bentonite and biochar addition effectively inhibited the leaching loss of nitrogen and increased nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate, which would contribute to reducing the non-point source pollution of chemical fertilizers in Hetao Irrigation Area. In conclusion, treatment B is more feasible for application, followed by treatment C.

Key words: fine root functional trait, diameter class, Zenia insignis plantation, rhizosphere soil