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  1. 1北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100875; 2北京师范大学资源学院, 北京 100875)
  • 出版日期:2015-02-07 发布日期:2015-02-07

Chinese translation for the scientific term “Ecological Restoration”. 

ZHANG Yi-ping1,2**, WANG Guo-yi1,2, WANG Yu-hang1,2   

  1. (1 State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2 College of Resources Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
  • Online:2015-02-07 Published:2015-02-07


科学术语Ecological Restoration一词于20世纪80年代初由西方学者提出,90年代后被引入中国。然而有关该术语的中文翻译问题一直存在分歧。本文从该术语在国外的概念解释及内涵发展变化沿革,该术语中核心词“restoration”及其相应动词形式“to restore”的语源学本义和相关引申意义,以及该术语近年来在国内有关部门领导讲话、政府门户网站和报刊报道中的使用情况等3个方面,通过比较对照和分析评述,探讨了该术语的中文准确翻译问题。在此基础上提出了该术语新的中文翻译——生态修复,并指出这样翻译既可保证其科学内涵与语言翻译上的“信、达、雅”,又利于促进和指导当前国内正在全面开展的生态文明建设社会实践和具体行动。

关键词: 温室气体排放, 森林经营与管理, 碳泄漏, 净固碳量

Abstract: The scientific term “ecological restoration” was originated in Western world in the early 1980s and introduced to China later on by some Chinese ecologists. The faithful and expressive Chinese translation for the term, however, has been still argued about both inside and outside the scientific fields of ecology in China from the beginning till now. To reach a more precise translation for the term, this paper has made three thorough comparisons about the term itself and its different Chinese translations. The comparisons included: one among the definitions and their evolutions from different sources and various periods in Western countries, one among the connotational explanations for its keyword “restoration” (or the verb form “to restore”) in retrospect with etymological viewpoints in traditional and contemporary dictionaries, with EnglishEnglish or EnglishChinese explanations, and the other among some expressions of the term excerpted from governmental websites, newspapers and authoritative speeches. Through those comparisons, it could be concluded that whether from the evolution towards the term itself or its connotational contents in the keyword restoration, and from the pure and applied scientific meanings or ecological engineering practices, the term “ecological restoration” should be translated as “sheng tai xiu fu” in Chinese. We believed that this translation for the term could not only satisfy the basic principles of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance in translation and interpretation, but also be conducive to promoting and guiding the current actions and engineering implementation of ecological restoration practices in China.

Key words: afforestation and forest management, carbon leakage, net carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emission