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  1. (1河南科技大学林学院, 河南洛阳  471003; 2中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所/国家林业局森林生态环境
    重点实验室, 北京 100091; 3秭归县林业局, 湖北宜昌 443600)
  • 出版日期:2015-01-10 发布日期:2015-01-10

Vertical distribution pattern of soil organic carbon of Lanlingxi watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir area.

TIAN Yao-wu1,2, HUANG Zhi-lin2, XIAO Wen-fa2, ZENG Li-xiong2**, XIANG Yong3   

  1. (1College of Forestry, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, Henan, China; 2 State Forestry Administration Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Environment, Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China; 3Forestry Bureau of Zigui County, Yichang 443600, Hubei, China)
  • Online:2015-01-10 Published:2015-01-10


土壤是陆地生态系统中最大的有机碳库,土壤有机碳(SOC)储量与深度分布模式受土地利用方式的影响,SOC储量与深度分布模式对全球气候变化有着重要意义。本文利用三峡库区典型流域SOC深度分布数据库,分析SOC的深度分布模式及其影响因素。结果表明:土地利用方式显著影响SOC的深度分布,0~20 cm土层内,林地、草地、灌木地和农地等4类土地利用方式,SOC密度平均为8.47、5.90、4.65和2.64 kg·m-2,差异极显著(P<0.001);0~100 cm层为12.14、10.24、9.15和7.29 kg·m-2,差异显著(P<0.05);林地、草地,灌木地、农地中,0~20 cm层SOC密度分别占0~100 cm层的69.80%、57.6%、50.8%和36.2%;SOC密度随深度的增加而迅速下降,其中林地下降速度最快,SOC深度分布相对较浅,草地和灌木地下降较慢,SOC分布相对较深;土地利用方式和海拔对表层(0~20 cm) SOC密度影响显著,对深层(>40 cm)影响不显著;土壤机械组成对表层(0~20 cm)SOC密度影响显著,对深层(>40 cm) SOC密度影响更为显著;用0~100 cm层碳密度来描述区域SOC储量时,估计值偏低。若考虑0~150 cm层的SOC储量,研究流域SOC密度值将增加6.2%~16.5%。


关键词: 稳定同位素, 普氏栉虾虎鱼, 摄食习性, 胶州湾, 营养级


Soil is one of the largest pools of terrestrial organic carbon. Land-use types affect not only the storage but also the depth distribution pattern of soil organic carbon (SOC), which plays important roles in global climatic change. The SOC depth distribution and its influencing factors in Lanlingxi watershed in Three Gorges Reservoir were analyzed. The results showed that landuse types significantly affected the SOC depth distribution. The SOC densities in 0-20 cm layer averaged at 8.47, 5.90, 4.65, and 2.64
kg·m-2 for forests, grasslands, shrub lands, and croplands, respectively, and the SOC densities in the 0-100 cm were 8.47, 5.90, 4.65, and 2.64 kg·m-2 respectively. The percentage of SOC in 0-20 cm layer (relative to the 0-100 cm) averaged at 69.8%, 57.6%, 50.8% and 36.2% for forests, grasslands, shrub lands and croplands, respectively. With increasing soil depth, SOC density decreased rapidly, and the decline rate was fastest in forests. The forests had a shallower SOC depth distribution. On the contrary, grasslands and shrub lands decreased slowly with soil depth, and they had a deeper SOC depth distribution. Land-use type and altitude significantly affected SOC densities in top layer (0-20 cm), but had no obvious effect on that in the deeper layers (>40 cm). Soil mechanical composition had a little effect on SOC density of surface layer (0-20 cm), but had a significant effect in deeper layers (>40 cm). The soil carbon storage was underestimated when SOC in 0-100 cm layer was considered. SOC density would  be increased by 6.2%-16.5% in the study watershed with SOC storage in 0-150 cm layer being considered.

Key words: Jiaozhou Bay, Rhinogobius pflaumi, feeding habits, stable isotope, trophic level