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  1. (鲁东大学生命科学学院, 山东烟台 264025)
  • 发布日期:2020-05-10

Application of high resolution sensor in the study of plant water relations.

KANG Yun-peng, ZHANG Ping, HU De-chang, ZHU Jian-jun*   

  1. (College of Life Sciences, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, Shandong, China).
  • Published:2020-05-10

摘要: 本研究评估了新型湿度传感器在植物生理生态学研究中的适用性,对传感器的性能参数、配套设备、标定和使用方法进行了分析,并以野外自然生长的植物——托里阿魏(Ferula krylovii)为例,给出了实际应用的解决方案。实验表明,新型湿度传感器具有灵敏度高,反应速度快、线性关系好、长时间的高稳定性、温度依赖性低、费用低、可连续记录等优点,能够为科研人员和不易接触到昂贵的光合仪的学生从事实验或研究探索提供光合仪以外的另一种测定湿度和蒸腾速率的选择。

关键词: 盐胁迫, 农艺性状, 外源钙, 活性氧, 产量

Abstract: The feasibility of a new type of humidity sensor in plant ecophysiological studies was evaluated. The features and parameters, necessary facilities associated with the sensor, the calibration and the ways of applications were investigated. Solutions to practical measurements were provided, with Ferula krylovii as an example. The results showed that the new type of humidity sensor exhibited features of high sensitivity, rapid response, good linearity, longtime stability, low dependence on temperature, low cost, and was applicable for continuous recording. Consequently, this type of humidity sensor provides an alternative way to measure humidity and transpiration in addition to the photosynthesis meters for researchers and students without access to the expansive equipment of photosynthesis measurement.

Key words: agronomic characters., salt stress, yield, exogenous Ca2+, reactive oxygen