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生态学杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 3381-3390.doi: 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202110.008

• 技术与方法 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1中国矿业大学矿山生态修复教育部工程研究中心, 江苏徐州 221116; 2山东省煤田地质局第二勘探队山东省采煤塌陷地和采空区治理工程研究中心, 山东济宁 272000;3中国矿业大学公共管理学院, 江苏徐州 221116;4准格尔旗矿区环境恢复治理中心, 内蒙古鄂尔多斯 017100)
  • 出版日期:2021-10-10 发布日期:2022-04-01

Spatial distribution characteristics of plants in natural grasslands and the simplified application in Xilinhot.

XIA Jia-nan1, LI Heng1, LEI Shao-gang1,2*, YANG Xing-chen1, JIN Hui-xia3, LIU Feng4, WANG Wei-zhong4, LI Juan4   

  1. (1Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Mine Ecological Restoration, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China; 2Shandong Province Coal Mining Subsidence and Goaf Management Engineering Research Center, The Second Exploration Team of Shandong Coalfield Geology Bureau, Jining 272000, Shandong, China; 3School of Public Policy & Management, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China; 4Environmental Restoration and Management Center of Jungar Banner Mining Area, Ordos 017100, Inner Mongolia, China).
  • Online:2021-10-10 Published:2022-04-01

摘要: 内蒙古东部干旱半干旱草原边坡生态环境脆弱,植被修复阻力较高,易发土壤流失等问题。为探究不同草本植株分布方式对复垦边坡土壤水蚀的控制效果,学习自然草地植株团簇特征,以内蒙古锡林浩特市自然草原本底条件为例,设计“圆弧形”、“逆圆弧形”、“V字形”和“逆V字形”共4种仿自然植株布设方案;结合CLiDE演化模型,模拟并评价10年不同布设方式下复垦边坡的抗水蚀效果。结果表明:研究区自然学习样本的植株团簇盖度为5.36%,植株团簇中心点密度为52个·m-2,潜在径流流向偏角随坡度增大向50°收敛,其中植株团簇中心点是潜在径流受阻和改向的关键原因;仿自然植株布设样本10年土壤水蚀模拟结果表明,在抗水蚀效果上,“圆弧形”>“V字形”>“逆圆弧形”>自然>“逆V字形”,其中“圆弧形”布设方案抗水蚀效果最佳,相较自然实验样本平均每长宽高为10 m×5 m×1 m的边坡可减少68.82%的土壤水蚀量,具有良好的边坡土壤保护能力。

关键词: 草原, 植株分布, 边坡维护, 土壤水蚀, 仿自然修复

Abstract: The slopes of arid and semiarid grassland in eastern Inner Mongolia have a fragile ecological environment, weak vegetation restoration capacity, and suffer from soil loss. In order to explore the conservation effects of different herbaceous plant distribution patterns on soil water erosion of reclamation slope, we examined the characteristics of plant clusters in natural grassland. With natural grassland in Xilinhot City, Inner Mongolia as an example, we designed four schemes of natureimitating plant layout, including “circular arc”, “inverse circular arc”, “Vshape” and “inverse Vshape”. Combined with the CLiDE evolution model, we simulated and evaluated the water erosion resistance of the reclaimed slope for 10 years under different layout methods. The results showed that the coverage of the plant clusters of the natural grassland slope samples in the study area was 5.36%, the center point density of plant clusters was 52 points·m-2, and the potential deflection angle of runoff converged to 50° as the slope increased. The cluster center point was the key factor determining the obstruction and redirection of potential runoff. The 10year soil water erosion simulation results of natureimitating layout samples showed that the antiwater erosion effect followed an order of “circular arc” > “Vshape” > “inverse circle arc” >nature > “inverse Vshape”. Compared to the average soil water erosion of natural experimental samples, the “circular arc” layout can reduce soil water erosion amount by 68.82% from the slope with length, width and height of 10 m×5 m×1 m, showing good soil protection capabilities on slope.

Key words: grassland, plant distribution, slope maintenance, soil water erosion, imitating natural restoration.