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  1. (1中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院, 兰州 730000;2中国科学院大学, 北京 100049)
  • 出版日期:2019-05-10 发布日期:2019-05-10

Advances in research on the abnormal structure of tree-rings.

LI Cai-juan1,2, CHEN Tuo1*, WANG Bo1,2, XU Guo-bao1, ZHANG Xuan-wen1, WU Guo-ju1   

  1. (1Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China).
  • Online:2019-05-10 Published:2019-05-10

摘要: 树轮作为反映气候变化的一个重要介质,在年代学、古气候学和古生态学研究中具有独特的优势。树轮是形成层细胞分裂和分化的结果,一般形成层对外界环境比较敏感。在恶劣的环境条件下,树木形成层活动和细胞分化受阻,导致树体的结构和功能发生改变。异常轮结构就是树木为适应环境突变产生的特殊痕迹,伪年轮或多层轮、霜轮、缺轮、浅轮、断轮、火疤、应力木、创伤性树脂道等异常轮的发生与温度、降水、光照等气候因子的变化密切相关。因此,通过分析这些树轮异常结构可探讨其产生的气候背景并用于重建森林干扰的历史以及预测未来森林变化动态,也是对基于树轮资料探究各类极端事件和自然灾害发生史等内容的补充。文章综述了异常轮的主要类型、成因、特征及其在极端事件中的应用和相关研究进展,以探讨其在重建过去气候变化中的潜在优势。

关键词: 日太阳总辐射, 日照百分率, 气象要素, 模型

Abstract: As an important indicator reflecting climatic changes, tree-rings have been widely used in the research of chronology, paleoclimatology, and paleoecology. Annual tree rings are considered as a consequence of the cambial activity and cell differentiation which are significantly associated with environmental variables. Under particularly adverse conditions, the cambial division and growth would be limited or inactive, no xylem or incomplete lignification or damaged cells may be produced in parts of the stem, resulting in abnormal structure of tree-rings. The position of the abnormal structure within tree ring is a time marker for their formation during abrupt extreme events. Such structures include false rings, frost rings, missing rings, light rings, radical crack, fire scars, reaction wood, and traumatic resin duct. These abnormal structures provide a promising approach to better understand growth-climate relations and the physiological processes underlying them. Therefore, they can be used as a climate multi proxy to reconstruct the history of past climatic extremes and to predict future forest dynamics in a changing climate. We summarized the knowledge of some of the most prominent abnormal types of tree-rings, their characteristics and possible causes, and discussed the application in some extreme climatic events or natural disturbances, highlighting the potential of analyzing the features of these special tree rings to reconstruct climatic change history.

Key words: daily global solar radiation, percentage of sunshine, meteorological elements, model.