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  1. (1交通运输部科学研究院, 北京 100029; 2长白山科学研究院, 吉林二道白河 133613)
  • 出版日期:2013-02-10 发布日期:2013-02-10

Influence of Ring Changbai Mountain Scenic Highway on wildlife.

WANG Yun1**, PIAO Zheng-ji2, GUAN Lei1, KONG Ya-ping1   

  1. (1China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; 2Changbai Mountain Academy of Sciences, Jilin Province, Erdaobaihe 133613, Jilin, China)
  • Online:2013-02-10 Published:2013-02-10

摘要: 随着中国公路建设大规模向生态敏感区延伸,野生动物保护问题凸显。但目前国内公路对野生动物影响的系统研究较少。2008年11月—2012年2月,采用样线法、红外相机监测法等对毗邻长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路进行了动物致死、公路对动物的影响域、动物穿越公路、动物通道利用率等研究。结果表明:路域500 m范围内哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类和两栖类种类占到长白山自然保护区的42.86%、24.78%、66.67%和66.67%,国家级保护物种达11种(Ⅰ级2种,Ⅱ级9种);一共有59种3475个动物被致死,平均达到61.6个·100 km-1,两栖类最多,达到2996个;环长白山旅游公路对鸟类和哺乳类物种丰富度无影响,但鸟兽活动痕迹有向路域200 m范围集中趋势;10次冬季调查发现,13种动物穿越公路共502次,穿越次数最多的是黄鼬,达到169次,动物偏好于自然保护区段穿越公路(原始红松阔叶林段落);有6种中大型动物利用桥涵穿越公路,桥梁和涵洞利用率分别达到88%和44.2%,植被类型、人为干扰、通道尺寸都对通道利用率有影响。提出了具体的保护对策。

关键词: 混菌培养, 氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌, 巨大芽孢杆菌, 协同共生

Abstract: With the large-scale expansion of highway construction in ecologically sensitive area, wildlife conservation has become an urgent and important topic during the highway infrastructure construction and operation. However, few studies have been made on the wildlife conservation along the highways in China. By using sample line method and infrared camera monitoring, a field survey from November 2008 to February 2012 was conducted on the roadkill, road effect zone for wildlife, wildlife crossing highway, and wildlife crossing structure along the Ring Changbai Mountain Scenic Highway, which is adjacent to the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. The results showed that within the 500 m roadside of the Highway, the species richness of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians accounted for 42.86%, 24.78%, 66.67%, and 66.67% of the wildlife species richness in the Nature Reserve, respectively. Among the wildlife, 11 species were national protective species, 2 of which were of firstclass, and 9 were of secondclass. A total of 3475 wildlife belonging to 59 species were killed by the vehicles on this Highway, and the road-kill rate was averagely 61.6 individuals·100 km-1. In terms of magnitude, amphibians had the highest mortality (2996 individuals). The species richness of birds and mammals was not impacted by the Highway, but there was a concentrative trend about the frequency of these wildlife activities within the 200 m roadside. The 10 surveys in winter indicated that a total of 13 species were found crossing the Highway for 502 times, and Siberian Weasel had the highest crossing frequency (169 times). When crossing the Highway, the wildlife preferred to the highway section with the roadside vegetation being primitive Korean pine and broad-leaved forest. There were 6 medium and large sizes species using bridges and culverts to cross the Highway, and the utilization rate of the bridges and culverts was 88% and 44.2%, respectively. Vegetation type, human disturbance, and size of wildlife crossing structure all had significant effects on the utilization rate. Some countermeasures for protecting the wildlife were provided correspondingly.